Sermon Slide


  1. Introduction to church topics (2024.12.1)
  2. Thanksgiving (2024.11.24)
  3. Special gift (2024.11.17)
  4. 1 Kings-I glory of Solomon (2024.11.10)
  5. 2 Samuel-II David's sin (2024.11.3)
  6. 2 Samuel-I Davidic covenant (2024.10.27)
  7. 1 Samuel-IV David disciplined (2024.10.20)
  8. 1 Samuel-III David called (2024.10.13)
  9. 1 Samuel-II Saul (2024.10.6)
  10. 1 Samuel-I Samuel (2024.9.29)
  11. Ruth (2024.9.22)
  12. Judges-II Samson (2024.9.15)
  13. Judges-I One generation (2024.9.8)
  14. Joshua (2024.9.1)
  15. Deuteronomy III Will (2024.8.25)
  16. Deuteronomy II Authority of Scriptures (2024.8.18)
  17. Deuteronomy I Commands (2024.8.4)
  18. Numbers II Rebellion (2024.7.28)
  19. Numbers I Wilderness (2024.7.21)
  20. Leviticus II Feasts (2024.7.14)
  21. Leviticus I Offerings (2024.7.7)
  22. The Bible speaks V-Worldview (2024.6.30)
  23. The Bible speaks IV-Indian (2024.6.23)
  24. The Bible speaks III-Race (2024.6.16)
  25. The Bible speaks II-Science (2024.6.9)
  26. The Bible speaks I-History (2024.6.2)
  27. Month of family IV-Family (2024.5.26)
  28. Month of family III-Identity (2024.5.19)
  29. Month of family II-Culture II (2024.5.12)
  30. Month of family I-Culture I (2024.5.5)
  31. Exodus IV- Laws & tabernacle (2024.4.28)
  32. Exodus III- Moses III (2024.4.21)
  33. Exodus II- Moses II (2024.4.14)
  34. Exodus I- Moses I (2024.4.7)
  35. Easter (2024.3.31)
  36. Genesis XII-God & Men (2024.3.24)
  37. Genesis XI-Joseph II (2024.3.17)
  38. Genesis X-Joseph I (2024.3.10)
  39. Genesis IX-Jacob II (2024.3.3)
  40. Genesis VIII-Jacob I (2024.2.25)
  41. Genesis VII-Abraham II (2024.2.18)
  42. Genesis VI-Abraham I (2024.2.11)
  43. Genesis V-Tower of Babel (2024.2.4)
  44. Genesis IV-Noah's Family & Ark (2024.1.28)
  45. Genesis III-Noah’s Flood (2024.1.21)
  46. Genesis II-Adam & Eve (2024.1.14)
  47. Genesis I-Wonders (2024.1.7)
  48. Turning point (2023.12.31)
  49. Christmas (2023.12.24)
  50. Heaven and hell (2023.12.17)
  51. Church-III leadership (2023.12.10)
  52. Review: Topics of church (2023.12.3)
  53. Church-II Understanding of church (2023.11.26)
  54. Thanksgiving (2023.11.19)
  55. Gift (2023.11.12)
  56. Church-I History (2023.11.5)
  57. Spreading of the Gospel-II Cases (2023.10.29)
  58. Spreading of the Gospel-I Distant Past (2023.10.22)
  59. Jesus' Disciples-II (2023.10.15)
  60. Jesus' Disciples-I (2023.10.8)
  61. About Jesus-IV Last Ministry (2023.10.1)
  62. About Jesus-III Later Ministry (2023.9.24)
  63. About Jesus-II Early Ministry (2023.9.17)
  64. About Jesus-I Background (2023.9.10)
  65. About Sin-II (2023.8.27)
  66. About Sin-I (2023.8.20)
  67. About Holy Spirit-II (2023.8.6)
  68. About Holy Spirit-I (2023.7.30)
  69. Bible character series: Ruth (2023.7.23)
  70. Bible character series: Samson (2023.7.16)
  71. Bible character series: Moses II (2023.7.9)
  72. Bible character series: Moses I (2023.7.2)
  73. Bible character series: Joseph (2023.6.25)
  74. Creation and History: 4. Noah’s Flood & Indian (2023.6.18)
  75. Creation and History: 3. Noah's Ark and Dinosaur (2023.6.11)
  76. Creation and History: 2. Creation and Science (2023.6.4)
  77. Creation and History: 1. Noah's Flood and Science (2023.5.28)
  78. Identity (2023.5.21)
  79. Family (2023.5.14)
  80. Children (2023.5.7)
  81. God's promise (2023.4.30)
  82. About God's character (2023.4.23)
  83. God's wisdom (2023.4.16)
  84. Easter (2023.4.9)
  85. About God (2023.4.2)
  86. Human's wisdom (2023.3.26)
  87. Human's origin (2023.3.19)
  88. Human's ability (2023.3.12)
  89. What is the mission? (2023.3.5)
  90. A very special gift (2023.2.26)
  91. What kind of book is the Bible? 3. What are the contents of the Bible? (2023.2.19)
  92. What kind of book is the Bible? 2. Writing and translation (2023.2.12)
  93. What kind of book is the Bible? 1. Origin (2023.2.5)
  94. Ethnic Diversity of Silicon Valley and the Bible (2023.1.29)
  95. Education of Silicon Valley and the Bible (2023.1.22)
  96. Silicon Valley and the Bible (2023.1.15)
